Osama Isaac

In Search of Wisdom

Osama’s life mission is bringing back the soul, passion, and curiosity to education, with the dream to provide free, innovative and world-class education for anyone, anywhere with the focus in the Arab world. He is currently an associate professor at Faculty of Business, Lincoln University College (LUC), and founder of Soulera Academy.

Teaching Philosophy

Learning is not a competition (student wants to learn, not to compete for marks), We have to shift the center of assessment in education from the rankings and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) to be focus on how to improve the skills of Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, and Creativity. Dylan Wiliam, British educationalist and Emeritus Professor of Educational Assessment, states “the purpose of education is to prepare students for a world we can’t envisage, so when they are stuck, they choose to think, instead of remember.”

 I believe that most of what any student learn in the current system of universities and schools is not relevant to their lives or can be easily found from Google. “There must be an industrial revolution in education in which educational science and the ingenuity of educational technology combine to modernize the grossly inefficient and clumsy procedures of conventional education” Sidney L. Pressey.

Many teaching philosophies have been debated some are student centred, lecturer centred, knowledge centred and money centred, etc. As long we live in industry 4.0, which is the fourth industrial revolution (IR 4.0). Education and all aspects of our lives have to fit with this revolution. IR 4.0 main pillars are Big Data (BD), Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Augmented Reality (AR). Bill Gates mentioned that Humanity’s greatest advances are not in its discoveries but in how those discoveries are applied to Reduce Injustice”. IR 4.0 tools are not just about deliver a profitable product to people, It’s about deliver liberty, justice and equal opportunity to human being, and I believe that IR 4.0 is our hope to provide World-Class Education for anyone, anywhere.

I do believe in the technology centred philosophy, our job in the 21st century is just to open the gates for the students and the self-learning will take the lead. As Sugata Mitra said that “students don’t need classic teacher anymore, what student’s needs is to facilitate the education environment”.

Alvin Toffler once said “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn”. I’ll add to his statement that the illiterate of this era are those who cannot read, understand, search, collect, analyze, and visualize data (Data Literacy).

Osama Isaac

Soulera Founder
 I believe that most of what any student learn in the current system of universities and schools is not relevant to their lives or can be easily found by Google.
(He/She who takes knowledge today only from school and university classes is an illiterate person)

Osama Isaac nominated as :

Person of the year, Netherlands

Osama Isaac (Torchbearer) ignites the flame of freedom in Haarlem, Netherlands

(Bevrijdingsdag - Liberation Day, 2023)

What does freedom mean to Osama Isaac?

Osama Isaac with Jeroen Pauw in Netherlands TV

from 26:30 to 29:10

Osama Isaac gives integration lessons to the refugees in Netherlands

Osama Isaac: Difference maker of Haarlem (Verschilmaker Haarlem)

Osama Isaac made his own teaching material for the refugees

Osama Isaac in HENRY+

Osama Isaac in Haarlem, he himself made an integration course

Language lessons for refugees in Haarlem's Beijneshal

The children in the Beijneshal do not yet receive formal education.

Professor Osama Isaac is developing a Dutch teaching program for the refugees

Dutch lessons for refugees made by a man who fled his homeland himself

In Haarlem, Osama Isaac teach the refugees with his own method

Short CV

Short CV - Arabic

Core Values

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Embrace the new and creative ways

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Enthusiastic enjoyment with learning

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

World-Class Education for All

"Good education is not what fills your head with facts but what stimulates curiosity. You then learn for the rest of your life."

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Teaching Courses

Course 1- Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0)

Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) from social sciences perspective through the IR 4.0 pillars of Big Data (BD), Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Augmented Reality (AR). IR 4.0 implications (Management 4.0, Marketing 4.0, Research 4.0.

 Course 1 (IR 4.0)  contain 11 Sessions

Course 2- Data Literacy: Data Science in Social Science (DSSS)

How to read, understand, search, collect, analyze, and visualize data.  

Course 2 (DSSS 4.0)  contain 16 Sessions

Course 3- Big Data in Social Science (BDSS)

Raise the awareness about the important of big data (what is it, Where is it, How to get it, How to analyze it, & How to visualize it?

Course 3 (BDSS) contain 22 Sessions

Course 4- Talent, Creativity, & Innovation (TCI)

To comprehend the difference between Talent, Creativity, & Innovation, Invention, Passion, Curiosity, and Imagination. Understand the type, characteristics, process, obstacles & measurements of talent, creativity, & innovation. How these three concepts relate to our life and how to apply them in our organizations.

Course 4 (BDSS) contain 15 Sessions

Course 5- Scientific Research Methods (SRM)

Scientific research philosophy and process in social science and the tools and techniques of 21st century that help to make an efficient and effective research

Course 5 (SRM) contain 19 Sessions

Course 6- Big Bang of Management (BBM)

To understand the management essence, guru, goals, function, history, and the management in 21 Century. How to See the World as a Social Scientist in Business Management. And realize the Way to Success whether is fact or myth.

Course 6 (BBM) contain 12 Sessions

Course 7- Strategic Planning (STP)

To provide the latest skills and concepts needed to effectively formulate and efficiently implement a strategic plan which lead to sustainable competitive advantage for any type of business

Course 7 (STP) contain 16 Sessions

"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow."

Anthony J. D'Angelo

A Glimpse Of My Teaching

Osama Isaac . com

A Glimpse Of My Life

Osama Isaac . com

A Glimpse Of My Events

Osama Isaac . com

A Glimpse Of My Lectures

Osama Isaac . com

A Glimpse Of My Qualifications

Osama Isaac . com

A Glimpse Of My Hometown

Osama Isaac . com

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."

Albert Einstein


What Friends, Colleagues, and Students Have to Say about Osama Isaac

Dr. Osama Isaac Is amazing person, he has a very unique way of teaching that makes learning a joy, his lectures were very useful not only in business studies but in all aspects of life, his passion has always inspired me and I have enjoyed every minute of his lectures, I’m very grateful for all your guidance, advice and help even after i graduated.

You will always remain a remarkable lecturer for all your students.

Hanan Mohamed, Somalia


Dr. Osama was one of my favorite professors at LUC. His way of teaching is very creative and easy to understand. (i want to be like osama^_^)

Dessy Abdullah, Indonesia

Faculty of medicine Baiturrahmah University

Smart, Creative, Inspiration, Discipline and Good lecturer.
Thank you Dr Osama.

Fransisca Shinta Maharini, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Ph.D student

Dr Osama started teaching me during MCO and unfortunately it was a virtual class, it was devastating that I couldn’t meet him in person yet I was really inspired with his words. He is the only lecturer who never fails to say take care and stay safe during the end of every class. He is a very positive person and genuinely wants to see everyone successful and achieve something in life. Thank you so much sir for motivating and inspiring me in all your classes. Blessed.

Piriyadarshini A/P Magendiran, Malaysia

Learning and sitting through tedious classes is like going through hell if a fun lecturer is not present! Dr. Osama is a high-spirited lecturer with a young soul and positive vibes. He consistently emphasize to his students to think out of the box for a fearless outlook. He prepared us to accept and adapt to whatever changes in dynamic coming times. The topic we discuss is never framed by subject’s boundary, instead a boundless newness and fascinating future! I’m grateful for having Dr. Osama as my lecturer, friend and life tutor. The teaching he implanted in us will guide us not only for the present, but also act as a guiding light for uncertain future.

Chong Hui Ni, Malaysia

 I would say Dr Osama is a very responsible lecturer. It was very upsetting because due to Covid-19, I am only able to attend his classes via Zoom Meeting but from there I can see how responsible he is by always making sure that the function of online classes are not just for him to do lectures but rather truly communicating with his students and have spontaneous discussions. He would also greet us before his lectures starts and every time his tutoring sessions are at its ending, he would always wish us to stay safe and be well. It showed how much he cares about our well being even though we are only seeing each other through computer screens. I hope one day I’ll be able to see Dr Osama face to face and thank him for the knowledge he has bestowed to me. I am beyond grateful to be one of his students.

Paulette Sipin @ William, Malaysia

Dr. Osama is indeed one of the best lecturer during my degree studies. i’m still beyond speechless what to say. So many things i want to thank him personally and while writing this, i remember each and every bit if his teaching, guidance. I slowly began to try stepping out if my comfort zone, thanks to Dr. Osama that always and continuously encourage & support us. It feels tearful during his last class but i had so much fun, new knowledge. I love how he tried his best to communicate with us. I’d say its a SUCCESS!!! I’m beyond grateful having Dr.Osama as my tutor or i could say “FRIEND”. Wishing you all the best Dr. Osama. Keep on inspiring❤️

Veneete Shane Doiman, Sabah, Malaysia

I still remember last year I had a chance to join Dr Osama class in my first semester and this semester I am so happy I can join his class again. He was a great lecturer full of creative ideas, inspirational and supportive. The way he delivers the knowledge to his students is unbelievable, the mind mapping so colourful that he made for his class is amazing and easy to understand. The most important is he always encourage us to be grown and never give up on our dream, always continue to become the one we dream to be from him I understand that when you have a talent you must show it to the whole world let them know you can do amazing thing that anyone could never imagine, the passion needed when you do something in your life. Thank you Dr Osama for bringing the education to another level. I love soulera and thank you for being my tutor and my friend. Continue to inspire people and I wish you all the best Dr. Osama. 

Siti Norazlinah Binti Idil, Sabah, Malaysia

Dr. Osama, in my opinion is one of the finest lecturers that I have come across during my entire academic career both as an Academic as well as an Academic Administrator. He is sincere, hard working and most importantly passionate about what he likes to do in his professional life. He is a perfect blend of business studies and computer science, always bringing new dimensions in his teaching. His students like his teaching style and design. I wish him all the best and most importantly wish that we will be working so closely together, the way we are now, in many years to come.

Prof. Dr. Abhijit Ghosh, Australia
Dean, Faculty of Business & Accountancy, Lincoln University College (LUC)

Passionate, smart, knowledgeable, inspirational, and creative. This is Dr. Osama as I have known him for many years. I have always looked up for his strong drive to disseminate knowledge and enrich the lives of those around him. Having the element of empathy with others in all his efforts is a stark trait of his and this is clear from the amount of love and appreciation of his students towards him after each semester.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Adnan Aldholay, Yemen
Management & Science University

Dr. Osama is an internationally recognized scientist, born teacher, a maverick thinker, philosopher, researcher, a great artist of scientific research methods and having an Ocean of knowledge in the diverse field. A teacher with the ability to inspire students is the type of teacher who will be long remembered. Inspiring students is integral to ensuring their success and encouraging them to fulfill their potential. He has really inspired me in indispensable ways. He is definitely one in a billion.
Soulera Academy website hopes to give the thinking student an exposure to the darker hidden face of the moon. Hopefully, this will inject a breath of fresh air into the modern research field. I feel privileged to appreciate you and congratulate you for the noble cause.

Raj Kumar Mehta, Nepal
PhD Scholar

Free education to others is easy to dream about but harder to materialise. Dr. Osama has not just dared to have this dream but has also taken swift steps to realise them. You are not just an exceptional teacher but an outstanding human being as well. I feel fortunate to connect with a mentor who believes in empowering people with the weapon of education.

Nirmaljeet Kaur Virk, India
Ph.D Scholar

Having Dr. Osama Isaac as my lecturer has been a great benefit to me. He is very punctual and regular for lectures. He always attends lectures fully prepared, very current with the topics he teaches and has patience to explain and answer students questions to our satisfaction. I feel so honoured to be part of this program. I pray that God grant him more wisdom, strength and ability to continue the great works he is doing. God bless you Dr. Osama.

Samuel Ofori, Ghana
PhD in Information Technology

Dr. Osama Isaac, a name that will not be forgotten. I always adore your spirit to stimulate the power of education. The simplicity that you carried all the way throughout the learning session, encouraged me to do more and more. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for all the knowledge you shared and precious time we spent. Hats off!

Asma Maaroff, Malaysia
Lincoln University College (LUC)

I am lucky to know Dr. Osama, he has a great way to deliver knowledge. He is amazing and special person. I expect him to be one of the best doctors in the world. I wish him success and he deserve all.

Dr. Mohsen Al-ameri, UAE

Government Employee in UAE

You work so hard Dr. Osama, and I want to make sure your work doesn’t go unnoticed. You’are a phenomenal teacher, and I’m so lucky to have the opportunity to learn from someone as talented as you.

Dr. Fahad Alobthani, UAE

Government Employee in UAE

You have inspired us not to give up or slack off. We know that, recently, our most achievements are due to your encouragement and support has done so much for us. Words cannot adequately express the appreciation of your touches in shaping most of our success. We will continue …. TOGETHER WE CAN.
حثما اتجهت السحاب … فانها تعلو… فتبهر…. وتظلل …. وتهطل …. وتثمر ….وهذا صديقي رفيقي اسامة

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Ameen, Yemen
Lincoln University College (LUC)

You get to know who is osama when at some point of your life you look back to find a hidden reason behind your current level of mentality, level of knowledge , and you will most probably end up finding osama behind most of them, That much of a great lecturer he is. I will give him the credit for being the only lecturer in my life that made me get up in the morning massively happy because I have a class with him, you get to experience it yourself, he puts passion within his lecturers! You can feel the tremendous effort through his classes ! And above all ! not only once I looked at the time waiting for his class to finish, but in fact i had always wished for the time to stop during his classes ..
In my humble opinion he is one of the few in this whole world who gets to make you fully entertained while you learn greatly, it is the hardest job ever ! to learn in the best possible way with a mixture of entertainment, joy , and enthusiasm. To me and to so many others I personally know, he will always be an example to look up to ..

Ahmed Isaac, Yemen

Respected Dr. Osama Issac sir… You are very sincere, genuine, multitalented and amazing person, You are a Great Teacher, with immense wisdom. Your personality speaks volumes.
I’m grateful to you for all the valuable lessons you have taught me amidst pandemic, I wanna congratulate you for your new website ‘Soulera’, very beautiful concept sir. The symbol of the Dolphin with cyan color is really meaningful.
Thanks in huge for being a torchbearer for each one us and enlightening us with love , care and tenderness.
Sending lots of love , regards and respect.
From ur student.

Meena Jha, New Delhi, India
Ph.D. in Health Sciences

Dr. Osama is really awesome for me; extremely impressive on his knowledge, skill and ability in teaching, research, supervision and managing workshop because he has a state of the art technology in each pillar. Whatever I asked the questions and supports for my research projects, I always received very helpful support with useful and concrete finding and recommendation.

Exactly a year ago this week, we organized a joint Learning Workshop in Myanmar, workshop title in Scientific Research Methods in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) which is the first introducing research topic among research industries in Myanmar. This workshop was supported to Myanmar researchers to again new bits of knowledge and the next step to be done.

Aung Myat Khaing, Myanmar
Director of Business Development - KyoPay Technologies (KyoPay)

Dr. osama are really one of my favourite lectures. Thank you so much for making a subject I was worried about disliking to be a class that I was excited to show up to. You truly made my semester one of the best I’ve ever had. Thank you so much for making our class knowledgable, information , guidance and also super fun! Thank you for this great online class semester. May the wisdom and well health goes long. Thank you for your amazing lectures and for being so supportive! Last but not least, Thank you for amazing lectures and discussions! I learned a lot and benefited from your course!

Salbiah Binti Julhaimy, Malaysia

Dr. Osama is one of my inspirational lecturer. He is such a creative and innovative person in teaching his student. He is also a kind-hearted lecturer. Dr. Osama always help me to be a successful person in life. His class will always be the best for me. Thank you so much for making a big class feel small and super fun! Thank you for a great first semester at college! You’ll always remain in my memories.

Nur Umairah Balqis, Malaysia

DR. Osama is one of best professor whom I have come across in my life. He is people person and a rare teacher with vision. He keeps up with industry and global trend and tries to improvise in his way of teaching. His way of engaging with students adds a sense of personal touch which enables him to know the capabilities of his learners further enhancing their potential which most of the teacher miss in recent times. He is honest, knowledgeable, incredible hard-working and a visionary person. His dedication towards his teaching is immense in short he is all round great person. He is man who believes in “FREE EDUCATION TO ALL”

Mohammed Ismail Iqbal, India
PhD Candidate

I have been in the profession of teaching since past 20 years. I have presented my papers and attended many seminars, lectures and conferences but Dr Osama is one of those very few educators who really inspired me. I believe he would be and must be the asset of any university/organisation. His kind of people are the future of future education. He full fills the criteria of a best educator. I am really impressed by him. I wish i could be his in campus student. I wish him best of luck and lucky are those who are his students. Its an honour to be his student.

Abid Siddique, Pakistan
Lecturer, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Oman

I just finished PhD in this 2020. I would like to thank Dr. Osama because of his assistance and guidance. His teaching is excellent and very clear. Within my PhD journey, when I was in KL, he taught and explained a few minutes but it was solved my problems which faced for many months. Even though I finished my journey, I wanted to get more knowledge from him. Because of my stomach ache problem I can’t join all sections but whenever I joined, I got a lot of knowledge. Thank you so much Dr Osama. I wish you and your family all the best.

Dr. Yu Yu Myint, Myanmar
PhD in Business Management

I’d like to take this chance to thank Dr.Osama for being such a passionate lecturer, I feel that he has done more than he should have; he is friendly and approachable, he responded to my queries in a very fast and responsive manner; which helps me a lot with my dissertation.

Inez, Indonesia
PhD Candidate

Your way “Dr. Osama” of teaching is unique and make us feel excited enthusiastic. You were born to be a teacher! Your patience is endless and your passion is so evident. U r the best teacher (very smart & humble). Thank you so very much, and I hope this note reminds you just how much you are appreciated.

Nenden Lesmana Wati, Indonesia

Faletehan University, Banten Indonesia

One of my best teacher and friends in my life . Dr. Osama Thanks for your support in the PhD Journey.

Dr. Obaid Al Shamsi, Dubai, UAE

Government Employee in Dubai

My gratitude to you Dr. Osama Isaac for all you have done. I feel so fortunate to have been placed in your class. You have amazed and inspired me daily and for that I am thankful because you are truly a wonderful teacher. As a teacher you gave me the tools I need to face my future. The way you teach is simple but creative which I will never forget. Thank you very much for the knowledge you share with and I enjoyed every minute of your lecture as well as your marvelous sense of humor.

Lina Tio, Indonesia

Colleague and Student

I had great chances to work with Dr. Osama Isaac when I did my Ph.D research at LUC. Actually he was not my main supervisor, but he never stopped encouraging me to finish the thesis or denied to support me with the needed research methods. He treats the students as a big brother. 

Dr. Phan Bao Giang, Vietnam

Vice dean of Communication Faculty – University of Economics and Finance

We’re all so lucky to have a teacher like you who makes learning so much fun. Thanks for all of the extraordinary things you do.

Nasreddin Algazali, Libya

Phd Candidate

Young, smart, amazing, and inspirational lecturer. “The world is in our hand” he said (Dr. Osama) ^_^

Susy Puspasari, Bandung Indonesia

 Ph.D candidate

Dr. Osama is my mentor in Lincoln university. He taught me what’s important and what’s not. He directed me which path should i follow to complete my research. Thank you.

Ahmad Jet Alamin Adyas, Indonesia

Phd Holder

You always go above and beyond for us, and we’re so thankful.

Dr. Waleed Al-Ali, UAE

Government Employee in UAE

I am blessed to be a student of Dr Osama , who follows the Hadith Al Tirmidhi 107, ” inquire knowledge and impart it to the people” verbatim. He sincerely had endeavoured to see that real and tangible benefit is drawn from knowledge. His way of teaching is different as it addresses the very conscience of the students to serve the real purpose of the deliberation. Thank you Dr Osama for your kind hearted involvement in the dissemination of knowledge. You are serving a godly purpose. God shall be blessing you always.

Salim G Purushothaman, India
PhD in management

To Dr Osama,
It was such an honor to meet with, have a great communication, and experience his lectures. He is a professional on his own yet being humble at the same time. Thank you for your kindness and continuous support for me and my team.

M. Umar Ridirvan, Indonesia

Marketing Director of Capitol Bukittinggi

“Use Parables to Explain”, that’s why the explanation given by Dr. Osama has always been easy to understand.

Arie Pitono, Indonesia

 Ph.D candidate

Dr. osama is a very extraordinary lecturer. This is the first time I have met a lecturer like him who is smart and intelligent. He is a lecturer who has a vision that is very different compare to other lecturers who have taught me, especially his clever way to explain something complicated in simple terms. Our prayers for him to remain Dr. Osama who is like today and loved and respected by his students. Thank you very much Dr. OSAMA.

Antonious K. Darsono, Indonesia

– Chief Commissioner of the Indonesian Police (kombes)

– Ph.D candidate

Dr. Osam has thought me few classes during my studies . what i love about him that he deliveries the ideas in a way that you will never forget by giving an amazing examples that will make you understand more and remember easily . For the record, he is one of the best lectures .

Meithag Abu, Sudan

Colleague and Student

Dr. Osama is the kind of Lecturers that is not easy to find. I am grateful for the positive learning environment you provided us, Your lessons have been very insightful, fun, and Your approach of teaching inspires me alot.

Desi Sarli, West Sumatera, Indonesia

LUC Ph.D. Student

Being one of Dr. Osama’s students was an impressive experience for me. He has expertise and experience that is very valuable for his students. He teaches the students with great passion and motivation, the explanation given is also easy to understand. Dr. Osama has shared many valuable knowledge in the field of research that supported me in the learning process.

Wiwit Apit Sulistyowati, West Java, Indonesia

 Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, West Java, Indonesia

Dr. Osama deliver knowledge in a simple way, he is my inspiration to continue working in research. I won’t forget his words”don’t depend on limited brain and let the technology and the tools of The industrial revolution 4.0 helps you” …. I totally agree.

Milawati, Banten -Indonesia

 Ph.D candidate

Great in lecturing, Dr. Osama explanation easy to understand. A warm and humble person.

achmad Fauzi, Indonesia

 Ph.D candidate

Very enjoyable teaching, practical examples, and easy to understand, I am interested in your style of teaching, Dr. Osama.

Eldawati STIKes Kharisma Karawang, Indonesia

Ph.D candidate

Dr. Osama isaac explain things in positive and interesting way. He is a great lecturer, is very engaging and has a good sense of when to push the class and demand more from us. He has a good content for his lecturesand is always prepared.

Aristoteles.,S.Kep.,M.Kes, Indonesia

– Head of Medical Laboratory Technology Study Program STIKes Muhammadiyah Palembang Indonesia
– Ph.D candidate

Awesome, nice and friendly lecturer. Unique and easy to understand in teaching. Dr. Osama.

By Rizki Muliani Universitas Bhakti Kencana Bandung, Indonesia

 Ph.D candidate

Dr. Osama is a success maker, by employing three factor: high perseverance, innovativeness and technology. I wish him all the best.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Alrajawy, Yemen

Lincoln University College

His teaching of scientific research methodology is unique and easy to understand, and Dr. Osama has an original and extraordinary teaching materials which made me inspired to teach like him.


 Ph.D candidate

Dr. Osama Isaac is very passionate and put all his heart in teaching the research methodology. His teaching method is picturesque, creative, innovative and easy to understand. I am so grateful to be one of your student. I am inspired and savored your sense of humor. You are the best teacher ever in my entire studying journey.

Dior Manta Tambunan, Indonesia

 Ph.D candidate

What can I say, I was really hesitant at first to start ODL Masters program. Im from Sri Lanka and was not used to ODL system. The first class I got is Research Methods class of Prof. Osama. His introductory session made me get interested, as classes continued I started to notice that this is different, not only boring lectured, but he does his lectures in a way where students will interact. Even he allows us to sing at the end. In that case I thin I sung the most number of songs ^_^.. I wish all the best for Prof Osama and hope that he will teach many more students and guide them to achieve their goal in future.

Uditha Hewagamage, Sri Lanka
MSc in Psychology

Dr. Osma is really one of my favorite lecture. Thank you very much for the course. I enjoyed every minutes of your classes. You are truly care about your profession and your students. Thank you for being so creative and passionate about your teaching, subject and how you communicate with us in zoom meeting. Thank you so much sir for keeping us engaged learning and laughing. I hope one day I can meet you face to face to say thank you.

Logeswary A/P Silva Raju, Malaysia

Dr. Osama, in my opinion is very passionate, knowledgeable and a transformational leader. Among the all the lecturers that I have encountered so far, he is hardworking and has the drive to share knowledge that enriches the lives of his students. His teaching style is down to earth just for his students to appreciate his style of sharing knowledge. His love for students is so overwhelming and beyond human understanding. Finally, I feel privileged to appreciate Dr. Osama for the noble cause.

Benjamin Mensah, Ghana
PhD Scholar

Prof Osama has been a charismatic individual, who has a profound grasp on the subjects of his interest. I was very astonished to see the kind of hard work he has done over the years in conceptualizing his thoughts and channeling his expertise. Whenever asked about the inspiration behind the hard work, he has been able to put in assimilating knowledge, he jokingly attributes it to his bachelorhood. I owe it to him for clearing so many doubts that I had in Research Methodology. His ability to stretch himself beyond the line of duty makes him just amazing. God bless him.

Saurabh Choudhary, India
PhD Scholar

Dr. Osama is very responsible, passionate and enthusiastic in teaching. Very attentive and engaging towards students. He seems to be very passionate in what he is teaching and have genuine intention to help his students when they need it. Proud to be one of his students in Ph.D in Management Journey.

Winnie @ Win Thandar Htun, Myanmar
Ph.D Candidate

Dear Dr. Osama, Your classes are super informative and brilliant!! Learnt a lot ..Thanks a lot for all your efforts!!

Swapneela Jacob, India
Ph.D Candidate

Dr.Prof Osama Isaac is very clear and concise instructor. Explains course materials very well. He is patient and willing to explain a concept numerous times until students are able to grasp it. ” He is an extremely helpful, delightful, well prepared professor. He is very friendly with us as he always gave very clear and detailed instructions, and was always willing to help. The professor made the course very interesting. If it were not for his clear instructions and additional help during tutorials and after-class, I would have found this course quite difficult and frustrating. Special thanks for giving your valuable website SOULERA to us. Were lots of free courses and materials and data which will be very helpful for my entire PHD courses and future also.Thanks sir for sharing yours knowledge to us.

Dr. Zafar Khan, India
PhD Scholar

Assalamu’alaikum…Dear Dr. Osama.
You are a great person, all the respect and honor I devote to you Dr. Osama. I am eternally grateful for everything you’ve tought me and I don’t know if you could ever understand how thankful I am for having you as a lecturer. I wholeheartedly appreciate averything you’ve tought me and helping me improve about research methodology. Your approach to teaching inspires me couse you are being patient so friendly and humorous and that made me feel really comfortable and forgot how time was running. Your lessons have been very insightful and fun, and not easy to find person like you, the lecturer shapes you become a good God creature. I have learnt so much, thanks to you. I pray that all your goodness is rewarded by Allah and God should give you a favor. Thank you for being such a great lecturer, I’II always remember all your advice. You are not only a lecturer but also an awakener.

Hj. Rinawati Kasrin, Indonesia
PhD Scholar

Dr. Osama; thank you very much for the wonderful lectures. They have been both informative and fun. You have made research seem so easy and interesting. I appreciate your welcoming and accommodative gesture. Through your lectures I am confident that my academic journey will be successful.

Mamba Ntandoyenkosi Godswill, Eswatini
PhD Scholar

Dr. Osama Isaac is an energetic person, always happy when teaching. He is a smart person. Dr Osama Isaac is one of the favorite lecturers at LUC and is also very creative when teaching. He really understands his students, he remains patient in teaching. I liked that at the end of the lecture, he played songs and sometimes asked students to sing songs from their respective countries. Thank you Dr Osama Isaac.

Walter, Indonesai
PhD Scholar

Dr. Osama Isaac; an amazing personality, his passion to impart knowledge is disarming. His depth and unique way of teaching just simplified the process for me. research methodology has been a bit confusing to me from earlier studies but under Dr. Osama in LUC it became very easy and now I can face my research and thesis with so much confidence. Thank you so much Dr. Osama.

Okoroeze Chukwuemeka, Nigeria
PhD Scholar

 The first class I had with Dr. Isaac started off with him telling us a joke and from there I just knew that I’d never ever find time to fall asleep during his lessons. Osama is literally an example of what he teaches, he presents his lessons in such a clear definition that you will go to bed at night and still be thinking about that new door that he opened in your mind. He doesn’t teach for you to only KNOW but to UNDERSTAND as well. Most importantly he demands something from us that we commonly tend to not apply as a norm, which is the art of creativity, that there has helped me to look at situations differently because I am not only looking at them for what they are, but now looking at them for what they can be which is obviously making something better from everything that I see or experience, for that I wanna thank him for the knowledge that has been very useful to me in my everyday life.

Samo Baloi, Mozambique

I could not hold me back till the completion of the sessions allocated to you Dr. Osama…. Indeed An Awesome Teacher, Thank you for all your great lessons which are really inspiring and motivating. Hope, like me you are keeping all your students on heels by motivating and guiding them through your inspiring lessons. Each session …. you create a drive in passion to take us to the next level with all your Energy throwing light to the right direction

Fortunate to have been placed in your class, Indeed amazed seeing your dedication and inspired by your commitment and patience. Infact, A blessing in disguise. All my best wishes to a Great and Wonderful Teacher.

Roshan Salim, India
PhD Scholar
Everytime when I attending Dr. Osama’s class I can feel the passion to learn more. There’s always new thing he shared during the class, and the way he explains is so attractive and interactive at the same time. Dr. Osama is my inspiration to embrace the life with the knowledge. His quotes “Phd is your own journey” is the one that motivate me to get through my learning journey.
Angga Putri - Indonesia
PhD Scholar

9 thoughts on “Home”

  1. Dr. Osama is really awesome for me; extremely impressive on his knowledge, skill and ability in teaching, research, supervision and managing workshop because he has a state of the art technology in each pillar.
    Whatever I asked the questions and supports for my research projects, I always received very helpful support with useful and concrete finding and recommendation.
    Exactly a year ago this week, we organized a joint Learning Workshop in Myanmar, workshop title in Scientific Research Methods in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) which is the first introducing research topic among research industries in Myanmar. This workshop was supported to Myanmar researchers to again new bits of knowledge and the next step to be done.

    Aung Myat Khaing
    PhD Scholar, Lincoln University College from Myanmar
    Director of Business Development, KyoPay Technologies (KyoPay)

  2. Dr Abhijit Ghosh

    Dr Osama, in my opinion is one of the finest lecturers that I have come across during my entire academic career both as an Academic as well as an Academic Administrator. He is sincere, hard working and most importantly passionate about what he likes to do in his professional life. He is a perfect blend of business studies and computer science, always bringing new dimensions in his teaching. His students like his teaching style and design. I wish him all the best and most importantly wish that we will be working so closely together, the way we are now, in many years to come.

  3. Lina Herida Pinem, Bogor, Indonesia

    Dr. Osama is a smart, creative lecturer, always making the method easy to understand. He is a unique lecturer, never shows his face while teaching, but with a very excited voice, keeping students focused and inspired. Dr. Osama has opened my mind and insight to research methodology. I proud of you and pray that you stay healthy and always be successful.

  4. I have been in the profession of teaching since past 20 years. I have presented my papers and attended many seminars, lectures and conferences but Dr Osama is one of those very few educators who really inspired me. I believe he would be and must be the asset of any university/organisation. His kind of people are the future of future education. He full fills the criteria of a best educator. I am really impressed by him. I wish i could be his in campus student.
    I wish him best of luck and lucky are those who are his students. Its an honour to be his student.
    I am a Pakistani but working in Oman.
    I am also PhD( Applied Sciences) student (Student ID: LUC20200917001) at Lincoln University College

  5. Zahrah maulidia. Indonesia

    Dr. Oshama he’s excellent lecture Very enjoyable teaching, practical examples, and easy to understand, I am interested in your style of teaching. Tabarakallah

  6. Respected Dr. Osama, I am thankful to you for your patience, generosity and boundless thoughtfulness. Your knowledge and expertise, taking care on the challenge of teaching us with grace, humour and enthusiasm are really grateful. You are having talent in relating lessons to real life examples that would allow the material to make more logical sense to students. You don’t just speak but u inspire. Being part of your class was a genuine pleasure. The knowledge you shared is indeed beyond measure and your imprint lies forever and I am thankful to you forever Professor!

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